During COVID, it’s really easy to begin to feel like nothing matters. I recently asked a teen why they were participating in a particular activity that was unhealthy. Their response was simply, “Why not?” And the thing is, I understood. There is no schedule. There are limited expectations upon all of us. So why not? And furthermore, is there any rhyme or reason to any of this anyway?
Today I want to simply state that God is Sovereign, He has a plan, and no matter how insane the world may seem, this plan is in motion. We get to be a part of it, yet we cannot thwart it.
In addition to bringing comfort in the midst of chaos, this also takes a lot of pressure off of those Type A Christians, like me, who are stressed out about getting it right. We can become obsessed about using our free time in THE most constructive way. We can feel as if we “missed it” if we are not hyper productive and organized at all times. Again, God’s purposes will prevail, whether I succeed or fail in accomplishing my to do list for the day. This does not mean that my participation in God’s work is not important. It simply means that I can relax and know that He who began a good work in me, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Even those who attempt to thwart the work of God will not succeed. For God is working ALL things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. We can try to escape God’s plan. Jonah did. But ultimately he found himself in Nineveh….after an unusual aquatic sleepover swayed his opinion. Another person who attempted to thwart God’s plan was King Ahab of Israel. In 2 Chronicles 18, God’s prophet told King Ahab, that he should NOT go into battle. In essence he said, “Hey, if you go into battle, you will not make it out alive.” (paraphrase, mine) King Ahab responded by throwing the prophet in prison and coming up with a plan to go into battle anyway. He made sure that a different king was dressed in their formal attire, and he hid, by dressing in a disguise. This seemed foolproof.
This is what happened during the battle:
“An Aramean soldier, however, RANDOMLY shot an arrow at the Israelite troops, and the arrow hit the king of Israel between the joints of his armor.” 2 Chronicles 18:33
Sadly, he died. And despite all his best efforts, what God’s prophet said would happen, is exactly what happened.
Today I am motivated to do my best, to accomplish the tasks that God has set out for me. However, I am also encouraged to know that God’s plan will go forth, with or without me. And, there is also NOTHING that I can do, or anyone else can do, to thwart God’s plan. He is all knowing, all wise, and He is 100% Sovereign.